# Help statements
A-1:This window allows you to add new Nicknames to your lists of commonly used names.
A0:Type your new entry in to this icon. Nicknames are limited to 9 characters and cannot contain spaces or commas.
A1:\Sadd your new entry to the list. Multiple entries can be added by clicking here after each entry. To delete entries use the option from the icon bar menu.
A2:\Sclear the entry icon.
A3:Enter a country name here.|MCountry names are limited to 10 characters.
A4:Enter the country domain code here. Domain codes are two letters long.
C-1:This window allows you to add new channel names to your list of often used channels. Channel names can begin with either a # or a & character. Entries which don't begin with one of these will have a # added as a prefix.
C0:Type your new entry in to this icon. Channel names are limited to 200 characters, so don't expect the whole name to always appear in the channel display!
C1:\Sadd your new entry to the list. Multiple entries can be added by clicking here after each entry. To delete entries use the Channel option from the icon bar menu.
C2:\Sclear the Channel Name entry icon.
H0:This is the QuickIRC window.
H1:\Sjoin the channel shown in the channel box.|M\Achoose a channel from the current channel list.|MEg /Join #acorn
H2:Operator Command Only|M\SGIVE Operator status to the person shown in the nickname box. The person must be on your channel.|M\A REMOVE Operator status from the person shown in the nickname box.
H3:\Sban the person shown in the nickname box from the channel.|M\Aun-ban the person shown in the nickname box from the channel.
H4:Operator Command Only|MKick the person shown in the nickname box from your channel. You can type a reason after the command if you wish.
H5:Ignore output from the person shown in the nickname box. By default this is set to ignore ALL output from the specified person.
H6:Operator Command Only|M\Smake your channel private.|M\Amake your channel public.
H7:Operator Command Only|M\Smake your channel secret.|M\Amake your channel visible again.
H8:Operator Command Only|M\Sallow only Channel Operators to set the channel topic.|M\Aallow any channel member to set the channel topic.
H9:Operator Command Only|M\S STOP external messages to the channel.|M\A ALLOW external messages to the channel.
H10:\Sleave IRC and shutdown your IRC connection. |M\Aselect a reason, from the LogOff options window, for leaving IRC.
H11:\Ssend a private message to the person shown in the nickname box.|M\Aselect a nickname from the current nickname list.|MEg /msg Fred Hello!
H12:\Sset up a private conversation with the person shown in the nickname box. Everything you type will now go only to <nickname>.|M\Aselect a nickname from the current nickname list.|MEg /Query Fred
H13:\Slet people know that you are leaving your computer for a while and will not be reading messages. A reason can be typed after the command.|M\Achoose a reason from the Away Reasons window.|MEg /Away Making a cup of tea.
H14:\Slet everybody know you have come back after being away from the computer.
H15:\Schange your nickname.|M\Achoose a nickname from the current user nickname list.|MEg /Nick FredTwo
H16:\Sget a list of names currently joined to the channel shown in the channel box.|M\Achoose a channel from the current channel list.|MEg /Names #acorn
H17:\Sto invite the person shown in the nickname box to join your channel.|M\Aselect a nickname from the current nickname list.
H18:\Sfind out about everybody on the channel shown in the channel box.|M\Achoose a channel from the current channel list.|MEg /Who #acorn
H19:\Sleave your current irc channel.|M\Achoose a channel from the current channel list|MEg /Leave #Win95
H20:\Sstart an action.The command /me becomes your <nickname> when the message is sent.|M\Achoose an action file from the menu. \Sthen display the selected actions window.|MEg: /me smiles becomes Fred smiles
H21:\Sping the person shown in the nickname box. The time taken for a message to travel to and from <nickname> will be given.|M\Achoose a person from the current nickname list.
H22:\Sfind more information about the person shown in the nickname box, including how long they have been idle.|M\Achoose a nickname from the current nickname list.
H23:\Sestablish the version of irc being used by the person shown in the nickname box.|M\Achoose a nickname from the current nickname list.
H24:\Sfind out about the services offered by the IRC client being used by the person shown in the nickname box.|M\Achoose a nickname from the current nickname list.
H25:\Sget a list of all the servers currently connected to your irc server.
H26:\Sget the current time and date on the server you are using.|M\Achoose a country from the current country list, and get the time on that server.
H27:\Sfind out more about the person shown in the nickname box if they are on IRC at the moment.|M\Achoose a nickname from the current nickname list.
H28:\Sfind out more about the person shown in the nickname box if they just left irc.|M\Achoose a nickname from the current nickname list.
H29:\Smake irc tell you when the person shown in the nickname box logs on and off.|M\Achoose a nickname from the current nickname list.
H30:\Sclear the whole screen.
H31:This is the QuickIRC window.
H32:This box shows the currently selected nickname.
H33:\Schoose a nickname from the list. The name will be used with any commands you issue.
H34:This is the QuickIRC window.
H35:This box shows the currently selected channel name.
H36:\Schose a channel from the list. The channel will be used with any commands you issue.
H37:\Senter this text as the reason why you are away from your computer.|MThe entries can be edited from the IconBar Menu.
H38:\Senter this text as an 'action' by you.|MThe entries can be edited from the IconBar Menu.
H39:\Senter the Lastlog command.|M\Abring up the menu of Lastlog options
H40:\Senter the List command.|M\Abring up the menu of List options
H41:\Suse Trace with the current nickname.|M\Aselect a different nick to Trace
H42:Click Select on the menu icon to bring up a menu of smilies for use in your messages.
H43:\Sbring up a menu of smilies for use in your messages.
E1:A text editor must be loaded to see the nickname and channel files. Please load a text editor such as !Edit,!StrongEd or !Zap, then try again.
E2:QuickIRC cannot find the Nicknames file. Read the help file to re-create this file.
E3:QuickIRC cannot find the Channels file. Read the help file to re-create this file.
E4:You have entered the maximum number of names. Please delete some before adding any more.
I0:A selection of automated irc commands for use with Telnet and IRClient sessions.
I1:To speed up the entry of Internet Relay Chat commands, and allow quick entry of frequently used channel names and nicknames.
I2:That's me, Acorn enthusiast and terrible programmer :)
I3:You can use this software for free,and even give it away to friends but I retain copyright on it. YOU CANNOT SELL IT OR CHARGE FOR IT WITHOUT MY PERMISSION.
this file.
R1:Clicking on these lines enters the text as the reason why you are away from your computer.|MThe entries can be edited from the IconBar Menu.